
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life Changes

Rosie's foster family is going to China for two years and obviously couldn't take Rosie with them. So Rosie moved to a new foster home for the time being. Here she's leaving the garage with Bronson & Pooh---and boy, what a wonderful, big backyard she's got now to run in!
Rosie learned to heed the invisible fence in not time---she's a pro already!
...and she doesn't get tired of exploring the property.

New friends...

Rosie can be a little grumpy in her days...having to adjust to new fur siblings---but she found out soon, that Bronson is a good snuggle companion... Rosie & Bronson are best buddies!

Rosie's new Wrestle Buddy!

Rosie warmed right up to Pooh as well... voila...they actually start a nice game of wrestling!