
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Rosie has arrived at her new foster home!

Just wanted you to get a peek at how Rosie is fitting in here. We all adore her! You can really tell she is just so grateful to be included in the house and all of the activites. She went with me yesterday to pick up Nathan at pre-school and did very well in the car without a crate. She loves our senior Weim and tries to play but of course he just rolls his eyes as if to say, "oh great, there's another one." :)

Rosie is doing well with a mix of SolidGold canned food and dry with the occasional scrambled egg, yougurt, or cheese for a snack. My favorite though is when she cuddles in the bedding because you can just tell she is wanting to pinch herself to see if she is really dreaming that she could be in a warm, comfortable house with good food and so many people loving her at long last.